habit  習慣

October 29, 2015 =========
☆ habit  習慣
The question this week is about habits. What new habit would you like to develop in your life? The examples in the Q&A were waking up early, spend less time surfing the Internet, and writing a “gratitude journal” each day. Do you have any of these habits? If not, would you like to start doing one or two of them? My habit for this year was to wake up early – I usually get up at 5:30am… is this early? I think so.
If you could pick a habit that would change your life, what habit would you choose? I think a great habit would be learning one English word a day… by using the Eigo Techo for 2016.  Have you got yours yet? I hope so! I’m excited to use the special edition, pink cover, for 2016. What color is yours?