bond きずな

September 27, 2015 =========
☆ bond きずな
This morning, I’m heading out to run an ultra marathon! It is a 56km long “race” (I won’t be going fast!!) along a very hilly trail in my hometown. Actually, compared to some of the mountains in the Japanese countryside, it’s not very hilly, but for me, it’s tough and hilly! So, this year I’ll run the event with a friend of mine. We’ve done a few running races together in the past, and running has created a very strong bond between us. I’m sure that spending the next 9 hours or so together, running up and down big hills, will strengthen that bond even more.
How about you? Do you have someone in your life you share a deep bond with? What is the reason for the bond? Have you grown up together? Or faced a difficult situation together? Is it a friend or a family member? How do you make sure that the bond between you stays strong? For me, running with friends makes sure that the bond between us stays strong… anyway, I’m off to run a long way! Wish me luck!!
Ps. If I can still walk tomorrow, I’ll try and post some photos on Facebook.