passion 情熱

September 10, 2015  =========
☆ passion 情熱
Reading is my passion. What is yours? In fact, reading is my passion, but the other side of that passion is that I want others to be passionate about reading – in particular, I want Japanese people to feel passion about reading English books! Do you read English books? If not, you really should! It’s one of the best ways to expose yourself to grammar patterns and vocabulary that native speakers use.
If you’re not sure what books to read, I’d recommend starting with books on self-development rather than fiction. Fiction can be tricky as sometimes they are filled with made up words and fantasy situations that can be hard to understand in another language. Business or other non-fiction books are good too, however my passion is for self-development books; they are generally easy to read and the content can be valuable. If you haven’t read an English book recently, why not give it a try?