gossip うわさ

August 8, 2015 =========
☆ gossip うわさ
You know how I love to use quotes to see a word in action, right? Well I found a funny one about today’s word: “Gossip – I found out so much about myself that I didn’t even know!” Ha ha, so true. Have you ever heard gossip about yourself that wasn’t true? I have, and it wasn’t very nice gossip either – luckily I knew it wasn’t true, and so did my “real” friends, so in the end it was not a big deal, but it still isn’t nice to hear gossip.
There is also a good quote by Socrates about gossip: “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” I hope I can count myself as being in the “strong minds” group now! Although maybe as a teenager I was in the “weak minds” group… how about you?