soften 和らぐ

July 3, 2015 =========
☆ soften 和らぐ
Today’s word, soften, has a few different ways it can be used. Here are some of the common ones:
If you soften something, it becomes less hard.
Soften the butter and then mix it with the flour.
Fry the onions until they have softened.
If something softens the effect on another thing, it makes the effect less severe.
He could not think how to soften the blow of what he had to tell her.
The government said they would try to soften the impact of the new tax on lower income families.
If you soften, or soften your position, you become more sympathetic and less critical.
After a while, I softened toward my new subordinate.
My mother-in-law has softened a lot in recent years!
If your voice or expression softens, it becomes more gentle and friendly.
He did not smile or soften his voice.
Her serious expression softened into a smile.
Can you use soften in a sentence?