pretense 見せかけ

June 1, 2015  =========
☆ pretense 見せかけ
This month, we’re talking about age; “It’s not how old you are, it’s how you’re old.” I really agree with this statement, how about you? Nobody really wants to get old, but putting on a pretense and pretending to be younger is not a great idea. I have a friend who is in her early thirties but she has already gone grey! All of her hair is completely grey. At first, because she is still so young she wanted to dye it brown so that she looked young. But after a few years, she got sick of spending time and money just for the pretense of “looking” young, even though she actually is young.
Now, she keeps her hair a natural grey, and is much happier. I think there is a lot of pressure – especially on women – to look young, and this leads a lot of people to search out anti-aging products, me too! Ha ha. But I think we need to look for these kinds of products because we want to look our best, not because we want the pretense of being “young”. What do you think?