calm 穏やかな

May 17, 2015 =========
☆ calm 穏やかな
Today is my friend Sue’s birthday. She is American but we met in Tokyo when her husband was working there. She introduced me to running in fact, and we ran the Tokyo marathon together. I haven’t seen her for many years because her husband was just on a one year contract, but I still remember how she was such a calm and gentle person.
She couldn’t speak Japanese and so she often had trouble getting things done in Tokyo. Day to day life is pretty easy in Tokyo even without Japanese, I think, but she struggled a lot, so I was always impressed with how calm she stayed. She is from a very small town in the US, and so living in Tokyo and catching the train was pretty overwhelming, but again, she used her calm personality to make sure that it wasn’t too stressful for her and her daughter to get around in Tokyo. By the end of the year, she was a pro at living in Tokyo! I know other people who couldn’t get used to living in Tokyo, and I think the main difference was really her open-minded and calm personality.
Do you know anyone who can stay calm despite the stressful situation they are facing?