pleasant 楽しい

May 15, 2015 =========
☆ pleasant 楽しい
This is another one of those words which is still used quite often, but mostly by older people or in written English – novels and literature. For example, in a book, an author wouldn’t write, “it was a nice day” or “it was a fun day” as these are not very exciting or stimulating for the reader. Instead, they would use the word “pleasant” or perhaps “enjoyable”.
In fact, in spoken English, younger people are more likely to use words like fun, enjoyable, great, or good, instead of “pleasant”. However older people would use “pleasant” instead of “fun”. This is a good word to have in your vocabulary, it can help make your English a little more colorful and interesting – and if you are speaking with an older person, they would be impressed that you described something as “pleasant” rather than “fun”.