clear 明快な

December 28, 2014 =========
☆ clear 明快な
There are so many ways to use today’s word! Let’s take a look at several of them.
Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.
He repeated his answer, in a clear voice.
The book is clear and easy to read.
Something that is clear is impossible to be mistaken about.
The government sent a clear message to the public.
It is not clear whether it was an accident or deliberate.
If you are clear about something, then you understand it completely.
It is important to be clear about what we are going to do.
I’m not clear about the next steps in our project.
If your mind is clear then you are able to think sensibly and reasonably.
Please be quiet, I need a clear mind to think!
Meditation can help maintain clear thinking.
If your conscience is clear, then you think you have not done anything wrong.
I tried to help as much as I could, my conscience is clear.
It’s hard to sleep at night when your conscience isn’t clear.
And one last common way to use “clear” is in the question, “Is that clear?” or “Do I make myself clear?” This is used when you give someone instructions, and you want to check they have understood you and emphasize your authority at the same time. A common way to use this would be a mother saying to their child, “We are going to the shop to buy groceries, and we are not buying a toy. Is that clear?”
Alright, that’s a whole lot of examples; can you make at least two sentences using the word “clear”?