connection  つながり

October 18, 2014 =========
☆ connection  つながり
A lot of my friends feel that they have a connection with Japan. One friend from Sydney for example, lived in Japan for many years, teaching yoga. She often talks of Japan as being her second home, and having a connection between her and Japan that cannot be broken.
I feel the same way – from the first time I visited as an exchange student when I was 16. Something grabbed my heart! And it felt like the connection had always been there, and always will. I have even had one of my student say that I was like a Japanese woman from the Meiji period… I’m not quite sure what that means, but maybe that is part of the connection! It’s strange and unexplainable, but definitely there.
How about you? Have you ever visited anywhere that you felt that you had a connection to the place or the people? Was it a foreign country or somewhere in Japan? Was it just a feeling or did something happen to make you feel that way?