focus  焦点

October 15, 2014 =========
☆ focus  焦点
Have you ever heard of the saying by the business management guru, Peter Drucker, “Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.”? Obviously there is no point in doing something right if it isn’t actually the thing you need to do!
I think doing the right thing has a lot to do with where we place our focus. I read this article a while ago – it is a little difficult, but if you’d like a challenge, why not try reading it!
This article talks about “focus” being a noun and a verb. In other words, we need to have high focus (noun) to get things done, but we also need to focus (verb) on the right things. If you look at the diagram in the article, “high focus” (noun) and highly focused (verb) is where we “get the right thing done” or as Drucker said, “doing the right thing.” If we have high focus (noun) but are poorly focused, then we end up getting the wrong things done. Of course, the worst situation is low focus, and not focused at all, meaning we would get nothing done! And the final situation would be where we are focused on working, but don’t have focus (with regards to our goals) so we are getting a little bit of everything done.
I quite like this idea – it’s a nice reminder to focus on our goals and to also be focused on those goals when we are working on them.