judge  判断する

September 4, 2014 =========
☆ judge  判断する
Oh my goodness, have you noticed how many people judge other people on the Internet?! I mentioned last month that I tend to read my news on the Internet rather than watch the graphic images on TV news. However, one of the things that I dislike about this is that sooooooo many people have an opinion! And because they can be anonymous when they comment, many people judge and make negative remarks.
I have sometimes commented, but usually don’t. My rule is that if I wouldn’t say what I want to say to the person if I were face to face with them, then I shouldn’t write it in a comment. What do you think? Do you ever read the comments on blog posts, news articles, even Facebook and just think that everybody is judging everybody else? I think I also need a rule that says, “Don’t read the comments!!” Ha ha 🙂