change  変化する

August 27, 2014 =========
☆ change  変化する
Are you a new user of the Eigo Techo? Or a long-term user? I know that some of you have been using the Eigo Techo for a few years, and getting this mini mail for a few years too. How has this Eigo Techo or my mail mag changed you and the way you study English?
For example, has the way you think about English study changed? Or have you changed any beliefs about English, such as changing from “English is hard” to “I’m getting better at English.” Have you changed the way you actually study English? For example, instead of going to lessons, maybe you spend more time studying on your own? Or maybe the opposite is true, maybe you changed from studying alone to studying with a teacher?
I’m curious to know if you have changed or not after starting to use the Eigo Techo… of course, I hope that if you have changed, they are all good changes! Let me know on Facebook if you want!