deserve  値する

August 26, 2014 =========
☆ deserve  値する
There are lots of idioms in English using the verb “deserve”. Do you know any? Here are some of the more commonly used ones:
deserve better from someone / something (deserve better treatment from someone/thing) – “I deserve better from my boss, I have worked for the company for more than ten years!”
deserve credit for something (to be owed recognition for doing something) – “He deserves credit for all the work he did on the project.”
one good turn deserves another (This is more like a proverb than an idiom. Someone helped you, so you will help them) – “He fixed my computer, so I let him borrow my car. One good turn deserves another.”
deserve a medal (this is often used in a joking kind of way, you are saying that you admire someone for dealing with a difficult situation) – “She deserves a medal for putting up with her husband! (Nuance is that the speaker doesn’t really like the husband!)
get what they deserve (you have no sympathy for the person because they deserved the bad thing that happened to them) – “People get what they deserve. It’s karma!” and “I’m not surprised he lost his job. He never did any work. He got what he deserved.”
Do you know any others?