get over 乗り越える

April 28, 2014 =========
☆ get over 乗り越える
Last month I had some sad news…. My young Japanese friend passed away from cancer. She was just 35, and it was bowel cancer, which is considered a risk for people over 50, not young people. Her daughters are just 6- and 8-years-old. I was sure that it must have been a shock and so hard for husband to get over this. However, when we spoke with him, he was coping very well. They knew from last December that she was terminally ill, so they were able to live and love and laugh together for the last three months of her life.
For me though, being in Australia, I knew nothing about it until the day she died. It was such sudden news and a complete shock. It will definitely take me some time to get over this grief. It is a good reminder to live each day fully and be grateful for our time, isn’t it?