June, 2013

June,2013 contents =========
・This month’s review
・This month’s word list

Hi there!!

I promised myself I would NOT be late with the monthly ezine for June, so here it is, ta-dah! Right on time. 🙂 My father is doing better, thank you to those of you who asked about him/sent messages, I really appreciated it.

When I was visiting with him last week, I mentioned that we were creating the Eigo Techo 2014 at the moment, and I told him I’d ordered his copy already. He was happy to hear this! My dad is a professor and was the head of the Library and Technology Department at the University of South Australia, and one of the things he said about the Techo was that it included such a great range of words, he felt it would be a good vocabulary learning tool even for native English speakers!

Naturally, because he’s my dad he’s proud of me, but I still think he has a valid point – even if you don’t use the Techo as an actual diary each day, it is still a great tool for increasing vocabulary, so I hope you’re continuing to use it! And if you’ve stopped using it, make it a goal to use it for the last half of the year – yes, can you believe it, we’re already half way through 2013. Crazy!

The topic for June is “Connect. つながろう”. How do you connect with people these days? Is it mostly in person or via the various different kinds of SNS available? I love my “smart phone” and I love connecting with friends that are far away via Facebook and email, but sometimes I really do feel like I should connect more with people in person… but it’s actually quite hard to do that! I’m not sure why, but everyone seems to be “busy” all the time. However even a short time can be quality time if you use it to connect with someone, right?

Recently I read a book called “Make it Happen in Ten Minutes a Day” by Lorne Holden, and of course it was mainly about reaching goals, but one of the suggestions was to use the “ten minutes” to connect or reconnect with the people that matter to you in your life. That could be by SNS, email or by phone, or best of all, in person… How have you connected with people during June?

And as always a quick review of the monthly words.

What five words were new for you?

What one word really excited you? (I mean, what word were you glad to learn.)

Create a sentence using your favorite word from the month.

And if you don’t have the Eigo Techo nearby, here’s the word list for June:

June 1 radiate 輝く
June 2 help手伝う
June 3 forgiveness許し
June 4 compassion 思いやり
June 5 generosity 寛大さ
June 6 integrity 誠実
June 7 pick-me-up 元気づけの一杯
June 8 synchronicity シンクロニシティー
June 9 shock tactics 奇襲作戦
June 10 defensive ムキになる
June 11 easy たやすい
June 12 mild 温和な
June 13 radical 過激な
June 14 deliberate 思慮深い
June 15 feasible 実行可能な
June 16 neutral 中立の
June 17 relate 仲良くする
June 18 bargain(値段を)交渉する
June 19 hasten 急がせる
June 20 manipulate 操る
June 21 seek 求める
June 22 go off on a tangent (話などが)脇道にそれる
June 23 maintain 維持する
June 24 kindness 親切
June 25 necessity 必要性
June 26 meaning 重要性
June 27 pattern パターン
June 28 reaction 反応
June 29 observation 観察
June 30 capability 能力

Remember to send me feedback if you have any thoughts or questions concerning the mail magazine. Send me a message or leave a comment on my Facebook page. Look forward to hearing from you!

See you at the end of next month!
