9/13号 ☆evidence 証拠

September 13, 2012 =========

☆ evidence 証拠


Today’s word can be used formally, to mean the information which
is used in court by lawyers. Or it can be used in everyday English, to
mean anything that you see, experience, read or are told that then
causes you to believe something. Here’s a look at the difference:

The evidence against him is circumstantial. (legal use)
The police say there is enough evidence to prosecute. (legal use)

I didn’t find any evidence to support the theory. (regular use)
There is a lot of evidence that stress can lead to disease. (regular use)

Can you use today’s word in a sentence?

See you,


The evidence against him is circumstantial.  (法的)

The police say there is enough evidence to prosecute. (法的)

I didn’t find any evidence to support the theory. (日常)

There is a lot of evidence that stress can lead to disease. (日常)

