9/12号 ☆issue 問題

September 12, 2012 =========

☆ issue  問題


Another way to say “problem” is “issue”. One reason to use “issue”
is because it has a neutral nuance, and “problem” has a negative
nuance. However, one more thing to note is that “issue” is used with
people, not things. “Problem” can be used with either people or things.

For example:
I have an issue with our new boss. OK
I have a problem with our new boss. OK

The car has some problems, but you can still drive it. OK
The car has some issues, but you can still drive it. NG

By the way, if you say that a person “has issues” (with an “s”), it means
that you think they have psychological problems!



I have an issue with our new boss. →OK
I have a problem with our new boss. →OK

The car has some problems, but you can still drive it. →OK
The car has some issues, but you can still drive it. →NG

ところで、人が“has issues”(複数形で)とすると、精神的な問題を抱えているという意味に捉えられます。
