9/9号 ☆temporary 一時的な

September 9, 2012 =========

☆ temporary  一時的な


A good way to increase vocabulary is… that’s right, to
learn the opposite of a word at the same time. So, what is
the opposite of a “temporary situation”, which is a situation
that only lasts for a short time.

That’s right. It’s a “permanent situation”. Here are some examples
of both words:

It’s only a temporary job, until the regular staff comes back from
maternity leave.
After the accident, he suffered a temporary loss of memory.

We need to find a permanent solution to the problem.
Too much alcohol can cause permanent damage to the body.

Can you make sentences using both?

See you,

では、短い期間を指す“temporary situation”の反対は何でしょう?

そう、 “permanent situation”ですね。

It’s a temporary job, until the regular staff comes back from maternity leave.

After the accident, he suffered a temporary loss of memory.

We need to find a permanent solution to the problem.

Too much alcohol can cause permanent damage to the body.

