3/16号 ☆qualify 基準を満たす

March 16, 2012 =========

☆ qualify 基準を満たす


If you meet all the criteria for something, then you can say that you
qualify or have qualified. For example:
He qualified as a doctor from Tokyo University five years ago.
She qualified for maternity leave because she had been working at the
company for more than five years.

There are some other meanings of “qualify” – do you know any? Here
are two common ones:

If you qualify in a competition, it means you can go on to the next stage
of the competition.

If you qualify a statement, it means that you make the statement less
strong by adding additional information.



He qualified as a doctor from Tokyo University five years ago.

She qualified for maternity leave because she had been working at the company for more than five years.


If you qualify a competition, it means you can go on to the next stage of the competition.

If you qualify a statement, it means that you make the statement less strong by adding additional information.
