Today’s Word: accumulate

September 10, 2018    =========

☆  accumulate  溜める


This week’s useful phrase is, “It’s amazing how quickly we accumulate stuff.” I think I would change that to say, it’s sad, shocking, or ridiculous! When we moved from Tokyo to Australia, we decreased our belongings substantially. But now, after just six years we have accumulated so much again.

My mum moved into her apartment about five years ago, after my dad got sick and had to go to hospital. We sold so many things for her, so that she could downsize. And yet, in just five years, she had accumulated almost the same amount, maybe even more! How??!

The thing is, though, unfortunately, accumulating stuff is not unusual. Everyone seems to do it. How about in Japan, is it common to accumulate things that you don’t really need or use?

