December 20 – resist

December 20,2019 =========

☆  resist 抵抗する


If you resist something, such as change, you refuse to accept it and try to prevent it. There is a famous saying by Carl Jung, who said that “What you resist, not only persists, but will grow in size.” This has been shortened and is often used in the Law of Attraction arena in this way: What you resist, persists.”

Why does this happen? Basically, if you are putting your energy into resisting something, then you are unconsciously putting all your focus on that thing. And the more you focus on something, the more you see it in your life.

So, what can we do? Jung says that if you notice you are resisting something, a new situation, or a pain from the past, for example, focus on accepting that thing. You might need to accept that you cannot change the situation, or that you cannot change it at the moment. Once you accept this, you can stop resisting it, and hopefully it will stop persisting in your life!

