Today’s Word: app

November 4, 2018   =========

☆  app アプリ


Happy birthday to me! I hope I have a good day! Ha ha!

Another useful phrase for the week, “This app is really useful for time management.” Do you have any apps that are good for time management? I have the Pomodoro app, that times my 25-5-minute work and break intervals, it’s very handy. I also have all my banking and PayPal apps on my iPhone, which helps not waste time on the computer.

By the way, you can use this useful phrase to talk about other things, but changing the last words. “This app is really useful for XX” for example:

This app is really useful for cooking.
This app is really useful for exercising.
This app is really useful for learning English.
This app is really useful for keeping track of my projects.

What apps do you have that you think are really useful? What are they useful for?

