Today’s Word: splurge

October 6, 2018 =========

☆  splurge   散財する


If you splurge on something, it means that you spend a lot of money, usually on things that you don’t need. I just saw the movie, Crazy Rich Asians. Have you seen it? I really enjoyed the movie, so I splurged on the e-book, and the two other books in the series, China Rich Girlfriend and Rich People Problems. I read the first book very quickly. And am now reading the second one, China Rich Girlfriend. They are fun books, but all of the characters splurge on such expensive things all the time, it’s like a whole other world to me!

For example, one character in the story splurges on a pair of earrings that were over 200,000 dollars! And another has a 5-million-dollar mirror-computer in his closet, that tells him what clothes he has worn in the past, to make sure that he never wears the same clothes again! Amazing!

I can’t imagine what it would be like to splurge so much money on those kinds of things! How about you? Are you the sort of person that splurges? What do you splurge on?

