Today’s Word: experience

July 25, 2018 =========

☆  experience  経験


One of my client’s teenage daughter is in Melbourne at the moment for a 3-week school visit. It’ll be a great experience for her I’m sure. When I was in high school I was lucky enough to visit Okayama for a 6-week exchange. It was actually a life-changing experience for me! After that trip to Japan, I became very interested in Japan and Japanese, even though I was studying French at the time! And, although I was only 16 years old at the time, I vowed to return to Japan in the near future.

Did you ever do a homestay or have the experience of living in another country? If you didn’t have this opportunity when you were in high school, remember it’s never too late! In Australia, being a “Grey Nomad” is extremely popular. This is where you travel long-term in a caravan around a country, after retiring (that’s why they are grey – grey hair!) Is this a popular thing to do in Japan? I think being a grey nomad would be a life-changing experience, too. What do you think? Is it something that you’d like to do after retiring?

