Today’s Word: destructive

May 30, 2018 =========

☆  destructive  破壊的な


Something that is destructive causes or is capable of causing harm or damage. For example, feelings of guilt can be very destructive. You may have heard of Daniel Goleman, who wrote the famous book, Emotional Intelligence (1995). He has written many other books, including one in 2002, Destructive Emotions: And how we can overcome them.

This book is basically an interview with the Dalai Lama, and it looks at ideas in science and philosophy and sees how they can work together, to help us recognize our destructive emotions such as hatred, anger, guilt and so on. It then offers insight into how we can recognize and transform those destructive behaviors. I haven’t read this book, but I think I might have to! It sounds interesting and helpful – it might give me some tips on how to stop my kids from making excuses all the time. 🙂

