Today’s Word: fault

December 3, 2017      =========

☆  fault 責任


If something is your fault, you caused it or are responsible for it. The useful phrase this week is very simple, “It’s not your fault.” This is a very simple thing that you can say to someone who is blaming themselves for a situation. Of course, you don’t want to say this if it actually IS their fault! If it was their fault, what could you say instead? Here’s some examples:

When it is NOT their fault.
A: It’s all my fault!
You: It’s not your fault, try not to worry about it.

When it IS their fault.
A: It’s all my fault!
You: Well, it does seem like your fault, but try not to be too hard on yourself. Instead, take responsibility for the situation and do your best to try and fix it.

And, have you checked out my “Non-Native English Speaker’s Gide to Talking to Strangers” yet? It’s a 12-page PDF that you can download for 300 yen. It has three simple tips – when you read them, you might think, those are too simple! But they are the most important things you’ll need for starting a conversation with a stranger. And in case you were wondering, they’re not perfect grammar and vocabulary! You can check it out here:


