Today’s Word: responsible

June 15, 2017 =========

☆  responsible 責任のある


If someone or something is responsible for a particular event or situation, they are the cause of it or they can be blamed for it. I am currently reading a book about Rich Habits, by Tom Corley, he calls himself an expert on habits. He says our daily habits are responsible for our success or failure in life.

He says that there are 10 Keystone Habits that are responsible for creating a happy, successful life, and he calls these the Rich Habits. In his research, he also discovered Keystone Habits that are responsible for creating an unhappy, unsuccessful life, and he calls these the Poverty Habits. He believes the key to happiness and success in life is to make sure that more than 50% of your daily habits are Rich Habits.

This article talks about the three Poverty Habits he discovered. Do you have any of these: Unhealthy living; Speaking your mind; and Anger

