issue 問題点

April 28, 2016 =========
☆ issue 問題点
An “issue” is an important subject or matter that people are arguing about or discussing. Other words that have similar meanings that you could use are: topic, matter, point, problem, question, subject, or even a fun phrase, “bone of contention.”
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “bone of contention”? It comes from the idea of two dogs fighting of the same bone. For people, rather than dogs, it means that there is continued disagreement about some point. It can be used instead of “issue” in this way:
The issue is whether to go ahead with the original plans or make changes.
The bone of contention is whether to go ahead with the original plans or make changes.
We have been arguing so long we have forgotten what the issue is!
We have been arguing so long we have forgotten what the bone of contention is!