father figure 父親代わりの人

July 5, 2014 =========
☆ father figure 父親代わりの人
If you describe someone as a father figure, it means that you feel that you can turn to that person for advice and support in the same way that you would ask your father for support or advice. For example, a single mother might say something like, “I think my daughter/son needs a father figure.” Or staff at a company might feel that the boss is like a father figure, “He became a father figure to the whole company.”
As you probably know my father passed away last August, and in fact, today is his birthday! He would have been 88 today. It’s a bit strange that this word came up on his birthday…Hmmm, I don’t have a father figure in my life right now! How about you? Do you have a father figure in your life, or is your father the one you turn to?