3/23号 ☆technical 技術上の

March 23, 2012 =========

☆ technical 技術上の


Watching movies is a great way to learn how English is used in
a more natural way than how it is used in text books. Unfortunately
many words are used in idioms that can make it difficult to understand.

If you have a favorite movie that you’d like to check some of the English
for then you can use online movie databases such as www.imbd.com and
search for the movie, and then check the “memorable quotes” page for that
movie. This is a great (and free!) way to learn more English.

Today’s word is used in a quite famous quote from the Star Wars IV movie:
C3P0 says “Don’t get technical with me” when he doesn’t understand what
R2D2 says to him.

This quote, “don’t get technical with me” is often used in regular conversation
(even by non-Star Wars fans!) whenever someone says something that is
hard to understand.



大好きな映画の英語をチェックしたいのならば、www.imbd.com を使ってみてはいかがでしょう。
映画を検索し、“memorable quotes”のページを開きます。

今日の言葉“technical(技術上の)”は、映画“Star Wars IV”に出てくる有名なセリフで使われています。
R2D2の言っていることが分らない時に、C3P0が“Don’t get technical with me.(専門的にならないでよ)”と言うのです。

この、“Don’t get technical with me”というフレーズは、スターウォーズファンでなくても、相手の言っていることがよく理解できない時によく使う言い回しです。
