12/9号 ☆list up リストアップする

December 9, 2011 =========

☆ list up リストアップする


Are you familiar with the GTD (Getting Things Done) productivity
system? There are a few books by the creator, David Allen, and they
have been translated into Japanese, too.

The idea is that you list up everything you need to do, and everything
that you are thinking about at the moment, so that your “head” is
completely empty. Then you create lists, “next actions” and “projects”
and there is also a list for things that you think you want to do, but not
right now. This list is the “someday/maybe” list.

If you list up everything that you are thinking about right now, it makes
your mind free to focus on actually doing things. That is why the title
is “Getting Things Done.” I love this system, but I am still a beginner!
I spend more time listing up things, instead of doing them! ha ha…

See you,

あなたは、生産的にGTD(Getting Things Done = ものごとを成し遂げる)システムについて詳しいですか?
クリエイター、David Allenの本が何冊か出ていて、日本語にも訳されています。

次に、“next actions”、“projects”などのリストを作り、さらにはすぐにではないけれどもやりたいことのリストを作ります。
これが “someday / maybe list”になります。

これが、“Getting Things Done”というタイトルの由来です。
