August 19 – memory

August 19, 2019 =========

☆  memory  思い出


One of the best things about traveling is the memories that you can make, right? And of course, hopefully they are all good memories! Although, I have the rather unfortunate memory of our travel in London, I do have some great memories of that trip, too.

For example, I have the memory of catching a taxi in Paris, and getting to use my very limited French language skills from high school! Ha ha, luckily the driver spoke English too.

I also have a hilarious memory of the memory of going to a famous horse race in America, and trying to place a bet. The staff couldn’t understand my Aussie accent, so he placed my bet on a different horse… I ended up winning US$300 thanks to that staff member! Lucky he couldn’t understand me after all – the horse I was planning to bet on lost.

Do you have any funny memories of trips you have taken?

