January 13 – screen

January 13, 2019 =========

☆  screen 検査する


If you screen something, it means that you examine it or investigate it, so that you can choose how to respond to it. For example, before the Internet, this word was most commonly used for phones, “I always screen my phone calls.” This means that you always check who is calling you before you decide whether to answer it or not. If you didn’t know who the caller was, then you could screen the call by letting it go to voice mail, and then check who it was that was calling.

Nowadays, you can also do this on the Internet, and on apps. For example, with email, reading the subject line, or checking who the sender is, is an easy way to screen your emails, to make sure that you only open important ones. On a dating app, you could screen the profile of the person who is contacting you, to see if you want to respond.

Do you screen your calls or emails in this way?

