Today’s Word: estimate

October 23, 2018 =========

☆  estimate  見積もる


If you estimate a quantity or value, then you make an approximate guess or calculation of it. Most budgets work by getting you to estimate your income and expense for the month ahead and then allocate your spending according to how much you estimated. I used to do this, but it wasn’t long before I realized that I always estimated incorrectly – I estimated my income too high and my expenses too low! Big disaster! Ha ha.

Now I use a budget where you don’t have to estimate your income. Instead, you don’t allocate your income until you actually get it. That way there is no need to estimate your actual income. You still need to estimate your upcoming expenses, but the good thing is that you never estimate your income as too much or too little.

Do you use a budget? Do you estimate your income or wait until you get paid to do your budget?

