Today’s Word: disagree

April 1, 2018     =========

☆  disagree  賛成できない


This month, we’re talking about How to be a great communicator. An important topic – no matter what language you are speaking! If you disagree with someone, you don’t accept or agree with what they are saying. Being able to disagree with someone in a positive way, without it becoming an argument is a really important communication skill.

Sometimes, when I read news articles online, and then read the comments by people, I am shocked at how badly people communicate with each other. For example, if you read a political article about Trump, there will always be people who agree with him, and those who disagree, and I think that is fine. What is not OK, is when people are nasty and disrespectful to each other in the comments – sometimes I wonder if people would say the same thing in person?? Or are they only saying it because it is safe to say it as they are online, not in person. Either way, it’s not really a good way of communicating.

