Today’s Word: neglect

August 8, 2017      =========

☆  neglect  なおざりにする


I recently read a blog post by a “guru” whose articles I like to read. She was talking about self-care and how recently she’d been neglecting her own self-care. Like the useful phrase says, “It’s easy to neglect your own care when you are busy.” In the blog post, she talked about ways that people (women in particular) neglect their self-care. Some of her examples were:
  • Skipping meals and using coffee to get you through the day
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Giving up hobbies because you’re too busy at work
  • Feeling like you need to do everything, rather than asking for help or delegating.
What do you think about these ideas? Most people think neglecting self-care is things like not getting a massage or not taking a holiday, but it can also be these simple things that you neglect to do that can take away from your work-life balance. Are you neglecting your self-care at the moment? If so, how can you fix that?

