recognize (顔を)覚えている

November 14, 2016     =========

☆  recognize  (顔を)覚えている


When you recognize someone, you know who that person is. I am generally good at recognizing people when I see them, even if I haven’t seen them for a long time. As you know I do a lot of running events, but the running community in my hometown is quite small, so I often see the same people at events. I always recognize them, but sometimes it’s strange because I don’t actually know them – I’ve just seen their name and face on Facebook so I recognize them! It’s a weird feeling! It’s hard to know whether you should say hello or not!

When this happens to me, I usually say something like, “We’ve never met, but I recognize you from your Facebook profile.” It sounds a bit strange, but everyone seems to be OK with this kind of thing happening!

Have you ever had that happen to you? Have you been to an event or party and recognized someone you don’t actually know? What did you do?

