originality 創造性

October 28, 2016 =========

☆   originality  創造性


Originality is the ability to think independently and creatively. We often talk about people being able to write with originality, meaning that their writing is creative and inventive.

I like to take photographs, and many years ago I started a “365 Project” which was to take one photo a day. After the 365 days, I kept going, and now I am on day 2,899. Wow! But taking a photo every day for such a long time, means it can be hard to find originality in the things I am photographing.

However, last weekend I went on a night photography field trip and took a photo of my local beach that is filled with originality! I love it. 🙂 I posted it on the English Now! Facebook page – I didn’t want to send it by email!! Please take a look and let me know what you think… do you agree with me that it is showing originality?

And how about you, what do you think you do with originality? Leave a comment on the Facebook page. 🙂

