Everyday English, every day, With English Now!

March 31 – dread

March 31 – dread

March 31, 2019 =========

☆  dread  不安


Dread is a feeling of great anxiety and fear about something that may happen. So, yesterday we spoke about self-doubt, and it’s true a lot of my students say they are filled with dread when they think about speaking English.

If you feel dread when thinking about using English, please don’t! what’s the worst that could happen? You could make a mistake – and if the other person is a mean person, they might laugh at your mistake… and if they do, then you probably don’t want to be friends with them anyway!

And, if they are a good person, they will just ask you to repeat yourselfRead more about March 31 – dread[…]

March 30 – self-doubt

March 30 – self-doubt

March 30, 2019 =========

☆  self-doubt 自信の喪失


Self-doubt is a lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. Oh this is one that I come across so often as an English teacher! So many students with great English skills, but their self-doubt makes them speak badly!

Do you have confidence in your English? If you do, then that’s fantastic! Speak English with confidence every chance you get! Do you experience self-doubt when it comes to speaking English? If you do, then stop it!! Your English is good enough! You are good enough! Please speak English with confidence every chance you get!



March 29 – message

March 29 – message

March 29, 2019 =========

☆  message  メッセージ


As a noun, the word message means a piece of information from you to someone, or from them to you, when you cannot speak to them directly. For example, when you call someone and get their answering machine, “Please leave me a message and I’ll get back to you.”

These days, I get a lot of advertising calls – they all want to sell me cheaper electricity and gas for my home. It’s so annoying, that these days I never answer my phone unless I know the number. If the caller doesn’t leave then I know it was a tele-marketer and I can block the caller! 



March 28 – relief

March 28 – relief

March 28, 2019 =========

☆  relief  安心感


If you feel a sense of relief, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened, or is no longer happening. If you have to say goodbye to someone, in some ways you might feel relief, right? For example:

“When my father passed away after a lot of suffering, it was a relief for all of us that he was no longer in pain.”
“It was such a relief to get a phone call from my daughter telling me that she had safely arrived in the US.”
“I didn’t like working with him, so it was a relief when he quit!”

Can you use relief in a sentence?



March 27 – inner-strength

March 27 – inner-strength

March 27, 2019 =========

☆  inner-strength  内面の強さ


Inner-strength is having integrity of character, and mental resistance to doubt or discouragement. Inner-strength gives you the capacity to face difficult challenges. Body strength is easy to build, right? Go to the gym and lift weights! Or some other kind of physical exercise that you prefer.

But how do you build inner-strength?

One suggestion by psychologists is to focus on identifying your natural character strengths, and start working to enhance them. Most people focus on what they are not good at, which actually doesn’t help build inner-strength, because it takes much longer to feel confident. Instead, focus on building your strengths even more.



March 26 – gesture

March 26 – gesture

March 26, 2019 =========

☆  gesture ジェスチャー


I’m interested in this word, what exactly is the meaning of it in Japanese – why is katakana used I wonder? In English, it has two meanings, the first one is a gesture or action that you do with your hands, face and sometimes body – as in body language.

However, it also has the important meaning of being something you say or do in order to express your feelings or attitude. For example:

She sent flowers after my mother passed away, it was such a lovely gesture.
I want to send a get ward card, as a gesture of my sympathy.
He got my name tattooed on his arm!Read more about March 26 – gesture[…]

March 25 – courage

March 25 – courage

March 25, 2019 =========

☆  courage  勇気


Courage is the quality of being brave even when you might be afraid or experiencing hard times. The question for the end of the month is this:

“How do you have courage in rough times?”

Some of the answers in the Eigo Techo include relying on inner-strength and ignoring doubts. Another suggestion is to make a list of what’s on your mind, and then take action. I really like this idea. If you just spend time thinking and worrying, it’s hard to resolve anything, right? An easier way to have courage during rough times, is to make a list of what’s stressing you, and find ways around thoseRead more about March 25 – courage[…]

March 24 – uplifting

March 24 – uplifting

March 24, 2019 =========

☆  uplifting  気分の上がる


Someone or something that is uplifting is something that makes you feel very cheerful and happy. I have a friend who everyone describes as uplifting, she is always smiling, and spending time with her always makes you feel happy and loved. If I’m feeling down, then I try to spend time with her!

However, if she is busy, my next choice is uplifting videos! Facebook and YouTube always recommend videos for me to watch so that I feel more cheerful! The only trouble of course is that you end up watching waaaaay tooooo many videos! I never manage to stop watching after just one. How about you?



March 23 – loving

March 23 – loving

March 23, 2019 =========

☆  loving  愛のある


Someone who is loving feels or shows love to other people. For example, “She was a loving and kind mother.” might be a way to describe a parent who has passed away. Or if a friend leaves to live in another area, you might say, “I really miss him, he was always very loving to me.” This doesn’t mean that he loves you in a romantic way, just that he was kind and gentle to you always.

You can also take loving actions, meaning that your action is done with great enjoyment and care. For example, you might clean your house with loving care! I recently readRead more about March 23 – loving[…]

March 22 – concerned

March 22 – concerned

March 22, 2019 =========

☆  concerned  心配している


If you are feeling concerned, you are feeling worried, anxious, distressed, troubled, uneasy or upset. The useful phrase this week is, “There’s no need to be concerned.” In this case, the speaker is worried that the other person might be worried about them or the situation, so this is a simple and polite way to tell them not to worry.

Here are some example sentences:

The parents were concerned about recent decisions by the school.
Her family was concerned for her safety.
A: What’s wrong? Are you OK?
B: There’s no need to be concerned, I’m just sad because my friend has moved to America for a year.

Can you use concernedRead more about March 22 – concerned[…]

March 21 – understanding

March 21 – understanding

March 21, 2019 =========

☆  understanding  思いやりのある


Today is “Harmony Day” in Australia, and so my kids have added a “splash of orange” to their school. I bought them orange shoelaces to use today! Orange is the color chosen to represent Harmony Day because it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. The color orange also relates to the freedom of ideas and mutual respect.

Harmony Day is a day to celebrate multiculturalism in Australia, and the idea is to celebrate inclusiveness, respect, understanding and belonging for all Australians regardless of their culture or language background.

The day was chosen as it coincides with the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which isRead more about March 21 – understanding[…]

March 20 – hopeful

March 20 – hopeful

March 20, 2019 =========

☆  hopeful 希望のある


If you are hopeful, it means that you want something to happen will happen, and you might be feeling confident that it will happen.

If you’ve said goodbye to someone recently, as in a relationship ended, you might be feeling hopeful that you will get back together with that person. Or you might feel hopeful that you can remain friends with your ex. Or you might even be hopeful that they move to another state and you never see them again! Ha ha!

Are you feeling hopeful about anything right now?



March 19 – warmhearted

March 19 – warmhearted

March 19, 2019 =========

☆  warmhearted 心の温かい


Someone who is warm-hearted is sympathetic and kind. For example, like the useful phrase this week, “She’s so warmhearted.” My neighbors are so warmhearted. Last year was pretty tough for us, and one neighbor made a lasagna dinner for us – it was huge and lasted us for a few days, while I was too busy to cook.

Another neighbor helped out during an emergency and looked after my baby girl so I could go to the hospital. 2018 was a crazy year for me, but it really showed me how lucky I am too, to be surrounded by so many warmhearted and generous people.

How about you?Read more about March 19 – warmhearted[…]

March 18 – fond

March 18 – fond

March 18, 2019 =========

☆  fond  好みの


If you are fond of someone, you feel affection for them. For example, “I am very fond of you.” You can also use fond to describe behavior when you show affection. “She gave him a fond smile.”

If you are fond of something, you like it very much. “He was fond a collecting vinyl records.” And, if you have fond memories of someone or something, you remember them with pleasant feelings. For example, “I have fond memories of our trip to France.” Or, “I have fond memories of your mother.”

Have you said goodbye to someone recently? Do you have fond memories of them?



March 17 – get in touch

March 17 – get in touch

March 17, 2019 =========

☆  get in touch  連絡を取る


When I first went to Japan, there was no such thing as internet connections at home! I had to go into Harajuku and use an Internet café to get in touch with my family. Of course, I could call them and get in touch that way, but it was hard to find the right time to call, so email was more convenient.

The other night, my friend called me at 10pm on a Tuesday! I was so surprised – it’s not that late, but it is late when you have young kids! Ha ha. I didn’t answer, but I did send a text back askingRead more about March 17 – get in touch[…]

March 16 – send someone’s sympathy

March 16 – send someone’s sympathy

March 16, 2019 =========

☆  send someone’s sympathy  ~に気持ちを伝える


If you send your sympathy to someone, you let them know that you are thinking of them. In Japan, when someone dies, is there a certain phrase or comment that you must make? In English, there are a few things you can say when you want to send your sympathy. Here are some examples:

Please allow me to send my sympathy to you/your mother/your father/your coworker etc.
I’m sorry for your loss.
I was saddened to hear about XX.
Sending you love and comforting hugs.
Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss.



March 15 – fret

March 15 – fret

March 15, 2019 =========

☆  fret  心配する


This week’s useful phrase is, “Please don’t fret.” Meaning, please don’t worry. You might fret over something you have said to another person. In other words, you worry about how the other person feels about what you said.

When I was young, I said something horrible to my older sister… I fretted about it for YEARS!!! I was only 10 years old at the time. Finally, in my thirties (yes, 20 years later!!) I said sorry for saying that nasty thing to you. And she said, “What are you talking about? I don’t remember you saying that!” Oh my goodness!! 20 years of energy wasted fretting aboutRead more about March 15 – fret[…]

March 14 – suffer

March 14 – suffer

March 14, 2019 =========

☆  suffer  つらい思いをする


If you suffer, it means that you are badly affected by an event or situation. Saying goodbye usually involves some suffering – at least for the person or people being left behind. I remember when I was 16 coming to Japan for a homestay for the first time. I was so excited, but I’m sure my parents were worried and suffered a lot, thinking about whether I was OK or not.

The people that get left behind are the ones that suffer the most, right? My oldest son is going on a camp at the end of this month. It’s for three days, usually his school campsRead more about March 14 – suffer[…]

March 13 – abandon

March 13 – abandon

March 13, 2019 =========

☆  abandon  断念する


You can use abandon in a few different ways. Firstly, you can abandon a place or person, which means you leave that place or person permanently. For example, “Her husband abandoned her and the children, and she hasn’t seen him since last year.”

Secondly, you can abandon an activity or work, meaning you stop doing it before it is finished. My son usually abandons his Lego projects before he finishes them! It’s so hard to find the pieces apparently, so he gives up!

And thirdly, you can abandon an idea, meaning that you stop thinking in that way. For example, “I was thinking about starting an internet business,Read more about March 13 – abandon[…]

March 12 – make someone’s day

March 12 – make someone’s day

March 12, 2019 =========

☆  make someone’s day  ~を喜ばせる


If you make someone’s day, you make them happy. What are some ways that you can make someone’s day? Surprise notes are a nice one, I think. When I make my kids’ school lunches, I sometimes put little notes in their lunch box. Last month, I made them a Valentine’s Day love heart and note. They came home and told me that the note was a lovely surprise and it had made their day.

If someone you know is sad or unhappy because they have said goodbye to someone, a nice way to make their day is to give them a gift to remind themRead more about March 12 – make someone’s day[…]

March 11 – console

March 11 – console

March 11, 2019 =========

☆  console  慰める


To console someone means to comfort someone who is unhappy, and try to make them feel more cheerful. One of the hardest things I’ve had to do was actually console my kids when my own mom died last year. It was the worst time for me, and I wanted to be so sad and just cry and cry, but when I cried, my kids got worried and cried too!

So, I had to console them and let them know I was OK, but just sad and needed to cry. And then of course, when they felt sad about losing their granny, I had to console them –Read more about March 11 – console[…]

March 10 – rough time

March 10 – rough time

March 10, 2019    =========

☆  rough time  つらい時


When someone is going through a rough time, it means they are going through a challenging period in their life and they are struggling to do or cope with something. Saying goodbye to someone would definitely count as a rough time, I’d say, but whether you were struggling or unable to cope, would depend on the situation.

For example, if a friend moves to a different state or prefecture, you’d go through a rough time, I’m sure, but you’d most likely be able to cope, right? On the other hand, if you lost your job, and then someone in your family got very sick, thatRead more about March 10 – rough time[…]

March 9 – good time

March 9 – good time

March 9, 2019   =========

☆  good time  楽しい時


A good time is when you enjoy yourself and have fun, you might say, “I had a good time tonight.” Or when you are apart from someone or feeling sad, you might use the useful phrase for this week, “Just remember the good times.”

Facebook’s “Memories” is a great way to remember the good times, I think. So long as you only post happy things! If you are posting things that make you feel sad, then when it comes up in your memory a year later, then it won’t be a good reminder!

Instagram has also started this feature, showing me photos that I posted aRead more about March 9 – good time[…]

March 8 – solace

March 8 – solace

March 8, 2019      =========

☆  solace  慰め


Solace is a formal word, to describe the feeling of comfort that makes you feel less sad. For example, it’s common to say that you “find solace in XX”, so “I found solace in running when my father died 6 years ago.” Or “Many people find solace after losing a pet by adopting a new one soon.”

When something sad happens in your life, how do you find solace? What is your way of comforting yourself and making yourself feel better? Is it running or exercise? Or catching up with friends? Or just spending time alone and writing in a journal or reading a book? WhatRead more about March 8 – solace[…]

March 7 – tranquility

March 7 – tranquility

March 7, 2019 =========

☆  tranquility  平静


Tranquility is the state of being tranquil; a peaceful and calm state, without noise or worry. There is never much tranquility in my house – except during school hours, when there is no one at home. Ha ha.

What about saying goodbye though? Sometimes there can be a feeling of tranquility and calmness when you are saying goodbye to someone. Cemeteries are usually filled with peace and tranquility, but other than for funerals, it’s not usual to spend time at cemeteries.

When was the last time you experienced tranquility?



March 6 – absence

March 6 – absence

March 6, 2019 =========

☆  absence  不在


Have you heard of the saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” This means that when someone is away, you miss them, and long for their return. This is a good saying for people in a long-distance relationship for example.

However, there’s also the exact opposite saying too! “Out of sight, out of mind.” Meaning that once there is physical distance between you and the other person, you forget about them. This can be good if there was a break up, but not for a long-distance relationship!

So, I guess depending on the reason for the absence, you can choose which idiom you want to use. Ha ha!



March 5 – companionship

March 5 – companionship

March 5, 2019 =========

☆  companionship  友達付き合い


Companionship is having someone you know and like with you, rather than being on your own. This doesn’t have to be a relationship, like husband and wife. It can be a friendship, or even an acquaintance.

I remember my mom used to enjoy traveling. The tours were specifically for older people. Many people came alone, because their husband or wife had already died. So, even though they didn’t know each other, they had a kind of companionship with each other during the trip. Sometimes, my mom met people that she got along with well, and so they organized to take more trips together! A great way toRead more about March 5 – companionship[…]

March 4 – empathy

March 4 – empathy

March 4, 2019 =========

☆  empathy  共感


Empathy is the ability to share another person’s feelings and emotions as if they were your own. I often talk about the difference between empathy and sympathy, as in the translation it can be confusing which one is being used.

Sympathy is when you feel compassion, sorrow or pity for the hardships that another person is going through. Empathy is actually putting yourself in the shoes of the other person and feeling the way they do.

For example:
Sympathy – It must have been very difficult when XXX happened to you.
Empathy – I know what it feels like to have XXX happen. (Because XXX has also happened to me)



March 3 – count on someone

March 3 – count on someone

March 3, 2019 =========

☆  count on someone  ~に期待する


If you’ve had to say goodbye to someone and you’re struggling, it’s good to know that you can count on the people around you. In fact, it doesn’t just have to be when you are struggling, it’s good to know you can count on your friends, family, coworkers and so on, any time you might need to, right?

A good way to make sure that you can count on others is to make sure that the people around you can count on you! Do they people around you know that they can count on you for anything? If not, how could you let themRead more about March 3 – count on someone[…]

March 2 – reach out

March 2 – reach out

March 2, 2019      =========

☆  reach out  心を通わせる


If you reach out to someone, it means that you are offering help or support to them. I read a wonderful folk story that is told in the Middle East about a drowning man. It is the perfect example of how to reach out to someone who is struggling.

Many people who saw the drowning man, stood on the edge of the river and said, to him, “Give me your hand.” But the drowning man didn’t do anything, except continue to struggle in the water.

Another man came along, and went a little way into the river, getting wet himself, and said to the drowning man,Read more about March 2 – reach out[…]

March 1 – cherish

March 1 – cherish

March 1, 2019     =========

☆  cherish       大事にする


This month is all about “How to manage goodbyes.” Last year, I said my forever goodbye to my mum, when she passed away in July. That was a tough goodbye to say. I will cherish all the good times we had together, and try to remember those times when I’m feeling sad.

However, saying goodbye doesn’t always have to be the goodbye forever like this. It could be just a goodbye for now – perhaps a good friend is going to live in another state or country. Even if you are likely to see that person again, it might not be so often, so it’s stillRead more about March 1 – cherish[…]