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Today’s Word: real-life example

Today’s Word: real-life example

April 21, 2018 =========

☆  real-life example  実例


This week’s useful phrase is a real-life example of the word, “real-life example” in use! Ha ha! It is “You need a real-life example to help you explain it better.” This is so true! Real-life examples really help. Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of “strange” English on the web. A lot of native speakers make mistakes between “you are” and “you’re” and “your”. And also, “their” or “there” or “they’re.”

However, something new that I have seen really confuses me! People have started writing “his” instead of “he is” or “he’s” … and to be honest, I’m not sure if it is an actual mistake, orRead more about Today’s Word: real-life example[…]